Cahonas Scotland is Scotland’s Male Cancer Awareness Charity committed to raising awareness of Male Cancers (Testicular Cancer, Prostate Cancer & Male Breast Cancer). They exist to educate Scotland in matters relating to male cancers, reducing discrimination and stigma from the cancer experience & the aim to bring real positive change in Male Cancer Awareness

Cool Designs Ltd have supported Cahonas Scotland since its inception and the relevance of it in what is the largely male dominated industry we are in. It was therefore extremely pleasing to receive this message from them:
“I just wanted to send you this message that has been sent to the Cahonas Scotland Facebook page from someone recently diagnosed with Testicular Cancer (attached).
Thank you for your support and everything you have done to help – you and all our other supporters help has made this early diagnosis happen. The awareness raised with the help from your sponsorship and donations has enabled us continue to do the work we can to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of Testicular Cancer, the importance of Self Checks and ultimately the early detection for this young man.
Early detection is key in the battle against this horrible disease and with your support you have helped this young man.
From all at Cahonas Scotland. Thank you so, so much.”
The message from the person read as follows :
“I’m 30 years old and was diagnosed with testicular cancer in February this year. I just want to say thanks to Cahonas and the message they shout about self checks.
I, thanks to the information given, from Cahonas Scotland had the knowledge and technique to check my balls properly and detected my cancer early.
If you have just happened upon this page or you have came because you are scared there might be something wrong, then use the power of knowledge that Cahonas Scotland can give and get yourself to the doctors as soon as possible.
I had my orchindectomy and now only need two cycles of chemo because early detection is crucial.
Thank you Cahonas Scotland for spreading this word as loud as you can.
From me and my family”
Fabulous stuff and you can imagine how pleasing it is to reach such a message and know that the support everyone gives goes a very long way indeed.
You can learn more about the Cahonas Scotland charity here :