
A comprehensive resource for Design & product specification for Toshiba, FujitsuCIAT and Aspen products.


A major player in the air treatment, CIAT invents cleaner, more economical and safer solutions. More than just a wide range of equipment, CIAT offers customers expert support for sustainable solutions to guarantee comfort, air quality and energy optimisation.

With over 80 years of experience, CIAT is one of Europe’s leading brands in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and air handling solutions for commercial sectors such as healthcare, offices, hospitality and retail.

Renowned for our capacity to create innovative, durable and high-performing products, we offer a complete range of equipment that is tailor-made and designed to work together. Our latest innovations have been specially designed to meet your most demanding requirements and provide you with the best-in-class technology.

Our activities are founded on sustainable solutions to guarantee comfort, air quality and energy optimisation.

The new CIAT Centre of Excellence includes two research and development facilities and test laboratories, which focus on product innovation to shorten new product development time scales and improve energy performance and user comfort. The R&D investment is part of more than $40m that UTC has invested at Culoz and Montluel, since the acquisition in 2015. The factory in Montluel houses a Centre of Excellence for chillers and heat pumps. It supports chiller innovation and production, with a focus on new generation, environmentally-responsible refrigerants, with Culoz supporting further development of the new AHU range introduced during 2016.
The strategic move allows them to strengthen the heating, ventilating and air conditioning range, as well as their competitiveness and ability to innovate. The significant investment in the Culoz and Montluel sites complement each other and support production and design, allowing further improvement of their products and their ability to serve their customers.

Sustainability at the heart of what they do

Both Centre of Excellence sites recently underwent industrial transformations to support the company’s focus on sustainable innovation. “The environmental impact was an important consideration of the site transformation, as we no longer use fossil energy thanks to a biomass-boiler heating system with advanced filters. The site also reduced water consumption by 40% while achieving a waste recycling rate of 75%.”