UK: Air conditioning distributor Cool Designs has reported notable successes for its apprentices in this year’s exams for national industry qualifications.

Shawni Dunn, a member of CDL’s pre-sales project team, achieved distinction in her BTEC Building Services Engineering (HVAC) course, following five years day-release study with Trafford College.
Shawni discovered the air conditioning industry when she joined CDL as a temporary admin assistant to gain work experience after leaving university. “It just clicked and I enjoyed it. The company offered me a full-time position in the pre-sales team. They have been really supportive and I haven’t looked back,” she said.
CDL’s latest trainee Owen Wintle has just passed his F-gas theory and practical exams with flying colours. He is now studying for his Level 3 in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning at Manchester College’s Wythenshawe campus.
Wintle started working in CDL’s spare parts department before moving on to the technical side.
“I came into the industry really by chance, after hearing about air conditioning in the news and from friends who worked in sales,” he said.
He is now working as a trainee air conditioning technician, shadowing an experienced field engineer on site visits across the UK, while continuing his studies on day-release.
CDL MD Darrel Birkett said: “Training is key for both the industry and, inwardly, at CDL. The sector changes at a fast pace, technology evolves and, as we are seeing, refrigerant legislation is constantly developing.
“The industry needs to keep on top of these changes to maintain excellence and safety. For CDL, we need to keep abreast of all this and train the young people we need – with fresh ideas and perspectives – to carry us into the future.”